Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby's Second Picture - 20 weeks

Modern technology has come a long way on the ultrasound front - going from picture quality that yields surprises like twins in the delivery room (or close to it) - to close ups that capture the individual finger bones as baby sucks her thumb in the womb. See the little curled pinky...

Yep - her - it's a girl. Can't you tell by the absence of a tri-pod? The two little white pieces are her butt bones. You are looking at her toosh!

And so with the improvements to technology the debate (and betting pool) opens now: Is that the Villars chin? The Pelster nose? With a head that size she must be as smart as her ... parents :)

1 comment:

  1. what exactly would the "villars" chin be? never really noticed.
